Rebel with a Cause


Dress by Forever 21 Plus


While on vacation in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago, I got a Tarot card reading. I agreed with the readers’ insights (I had two, because my life is complicated and both felt compelled to interpret my cards) until one went off script and gave me fashion advice.




"I think you are a very beautiful girl, but you shouldn't wear a dress with a busy print, it makes you look bigger." Normally, I would let this slide, but three minutes prior she told to “be more assertive,” "believe in myself," and "not be a door mat.” It was only right I put her advice to the test. I looked her in the eye and said "I appreciate the advice, but I wear what I like. Not what ‘people’ think is acceptable." She respected that. I continued, "I'm big and everybody out here knows it. There’s nothing wrong with appearing bigger. My fashion motto is ‘just do it’.” 



How's that for being assertive and being not being a doormat?


I walked away proud of my busy dress, because it goes against society. I decided to wear it in spite of the “big girl fashion rules.” I felt like a rebel.




I enjoyed my Tarot readings, so I’m not bashing the reader. On your journey to self-discovery and self-love, you’ll come up against society’s ideas about how you dress and look. Everyone won’t love the bolder, more empowered you, but don’t let their doubts derail you. As long as you are not killing or hurting yourself, you right girl!!!

Until next time, wear whatever makes you feel good.



Marcia CraggettComment